Well some of you may have heard through the grapevine and for some this all may be new... but Mark, Mango and I had quite the exciting week/weekend! I'm going to start the story with where we are now... comfortably resting and home and gearing up for baby! We had gone to the Dr. for a regular check-in and although baby looked great, my blood pressure was a bit higher than normal for me, so combined with some mention of swelling the Dr. wanted to run some labs to just be sure everything was on track. Well he was just as surprised as we were when the labs came back indicating that I may have preeclampsia. So what is that? A very complicated and very poorly researched complication that they believe you actually have from the moment of implantation but that doesn't show itself until later in pregnancy. So to cut a long story a bit shorter, the Dr. had us come back a few days later to check in again and my blood pressure had unfortunately gotten a bit worse, leading him to recommend a stay in the hospital just to be monitored and looked at a bit more closely over the weekend.
Mango and I spent the weekend in the hospital, with Mark there most of the time of course, and we got a visit from a specialist who deals with more "high risk" pregnancies at our Dr's recommendation to ensure that we covered our bases. He did an ultrasound and again everything looks great with baby and as far as preeclampsia goes mine is still classified as mild. So both Drs are very comfortable with me being home on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. We will check my blood pressure at home and visit the Dr. weekly to check in.
So where does the countdown come in?? Well... Mango is going to be coming out a little earlier than his due date! With preeclampsia there is no "cure" other than delivering the baby... and the further you carry the baby the more you are running the risk of further complications and therefore further interventions. So again, both Drs agree there is no reason to heighten that risk once we get baby full term, which is 37 weeks. So right now our goal is to keep him happily baking up until 37 weeks at which point we'll get to bring him home!
So like I said at the beginning, we're all home and happy and under the watchful eye of a very thorough and caring doctor. We're excited to have this time to focus our energy on getting ready for baby! Thanks for all your support and don't be worried, Mango much prefers excitement and happiness in preparation for his arrival rather than unnecessary concern!!
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